AMK – Alang Madan Kulang Trek

2 Days
  • 4900ft


01:20 am Meet out team at Kasara station, freshen up
01:30 am Leave for base village in a private taxi
04:15 am Reach base village
05:30 am Have Breakfast
05:30 am Introduction round and brief on rules and regulations
06:00 am Start the trek with a small warm up walk.
10:30 am Reach top, Explore the Alang fort
11:30 am Have lunch and take some rest
01:30 pm Start descend of Alang and move towards tha Madan
05:00 pm After Rock Climbing Reach Madan top
05:30 pm Explore the fort, Enjoy the view of the surrounding
08:00 pm Dinner time and stay in the cave of Madangad

05:00 am Wake up call, freshen up and recharge with the breakfast.
06:30 am Get ready for the descend and move towards the Kulang
11:00 am Reach Kulang, Have Lunch and Explore Fort
02:30 pm Start Descending down
05:00 pm Reach Base Village
05:10 pm Start the return Journey towards Kasara Railway Station
06:00 pm Reach Kasara station and take a return train (06:18 pm) to mumbai
08:30 pm Reach Mumbai and bid adieu with a promise to meet soon



  • Transportation from Kasara to Kasara
  • Breakfast / Tea in the morning ( Sat-Sun )
  • Lunch ( Sat-Sun )
  • Dinner ( Sat )
  • Local guidance
  • Climbing and Rappelling Equipment Charges
  • First aid and first responder assistance in case required
  • MPA administration charges if any
  • Do read our terms and conditions before registration.


  • All kinds of extra meals / soft drinks ordered.
  • Insurance, tips, porters, bottled mineral water, aerated drinks etc.
  • Any kind of personal expenses.
  • Any kind of cost which is not mentioned in the cost includes above.
  • All expenses incurred due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances like roadblocks, bad weather


AMK – Alang Madan Kulang Trek

Nestled in the heart of the Sahyadri Range in Maharashtra, the Alang Madan Kulang (AMK) Trek stands as a testament to the rugged beauty and adventurous spirit of the Western Ghats. Comprising three formidable forts—Alang, Madan, and Kulang—this trek is not for the faint-hearted. It offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for trekkers, promising panoramic views, historical intrigue, and the thrill of conquering the Sahyadris Trilogy. Join us on a virtual journey as we explore the mystique and grandeur of the AMK Trek.

The Sahyadris Trilogy: Alang, Madan, and Kulang

The AMK Trek is a trifecta of adventure, encompassing three distinct forts that together form the Sahyadris Trilogy. Each fort has its own unique character, historical significance, and challenges for trekkers.

  1. Alang Fort: The Impregnable Fortress

Alang Fort, the first in the trilogy, is known for its formidable structure and historical importance. Perched at an elevation of approximately 4852 feet, Alang Fort stands as a sentinel guarding the ancient trade route between Kalyan and Nasik.

The trek to Alang involves navigating through dense forests, steep rock patches, and ascending treacherous ladders. The fort’s architecture includes massive walls, intricate doorways, and secret passages, echoing the tales of Maratha warriors who once defended this strategic stronghold.

  1. Madan Fort: The Majestic Sentinel

Madan Fort, the second installment in the trilogy, is an imposing structure that overlooks the scenic landscape below. Rising to an elevation of around 4841 feet, Madan Fort offers breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and valleys.

The trek to Madan involves traversing rocky outcrops, negotiating steep ascents, and tackling exposed sections that demand a steady nerve. The fort’s ruins speak of a bygone era, and trekkers are rewarded with a sense of accomplishment upon reaching the pinnacle.

  1. Kulang Fort: The Crown Jewel

Kulang Fort, the final chapter in the Sahyadris Trilogy, is often referred to as the “Crown of the Forts.” At an elevation of approximately 4822 feet, Kulang offers a unique blend of history and natural beauty.

The trek to Kulang is characterized by dense forests, challenging rock climbs, and the ascent of the famous ‘Rock Cut Steps.’ The fort features ancient rock-cut caves, water cisterns, and panoramic viewpoints that make it a captivating destination for history enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

Trekking the Sahyadris Trilogy: Challenges and Rewards

The AMK Trek is renowned for its challenges, both physical and mental. The rugged terrains, steep ascents, and exposed sections demand a certain level of fitness, agility, and determination. However, the rewards for those who undertake this journey are nothing short of spectacular.

  1. Technical Ascents and Descents: The trek involves technical sections that require rock climbing and rappelling skills. Trekkers are often faced with exposed cliff edges and narrow ridges, adding an element of adventure and adrenaline to the journey.
  2. Camping on the Forts: One of the unique aspects of the AMK Trek is the opportunity to camp on the forts. Spending a night amidst the ancient ruins, under the star-studded Sahyadri sky, creates an unparalleled connection with the historical and natural elements of the trek.
  3. Historical Exploration: The forts of Alang, Madan, and Kulang are steeped in history, and exploring their remnants is like stepping back in time. Trekkers can discover ancient caves, cannons, and bastions, gaining insights into the strategic importance of these forts in the region’s history.
  4. Breathtaking Panoramas: The trek offers panoramic views of the Sahyadris, with rolling hills, deep valleys, and meandering rivers forming a spectacular canvas. Sunrise and sunset vistas from the forts are a visual treat and a reward for the strenuous climbs.
  5. Sense of Accomplishment: Completing the AMK Trek is a badge of honor for trekkers. The trilogy challenges both physical endurance and mental resilience, and standing atop each fort, looking at the conquered peaks, instills a profound sense of accomplishment.

Alang Madan Kulang Trek Location 

The AMK trek is situated in the Igatpuri region of Maharashtra, India. This trio of forts—Alang, Madan, and Kulang—stands proudly amid the lush greenery of the Sahyadris, offering a challenging yet rewarding trekking experience. Igatpuri serves as the base village for this expedition, providing a scenic starting point for the adventure that lies ahead.

Best Time For AMK – Alang Madan Kulang Trek

The best time for the Alang Madan Kulang (AMK) trek is during the post-monsoon and winter months when the weather is favorable for trekking. Here’s a breakdown of the best time for the AMK trek:

1. Post-Monsoon (September to November):

  • This period is considered one of the best times for the AMK trek.
  • The monsoon rains have subsided, leaving the landscape lush and vibrant.
  • The weather is relatively cool, making the trek enjoyable without extreme temperatures.
  • Clear skies offer stunning views of the surrounding Sahyadri mountains.

2. Winter (December to February):

  • Winter is another excellent time for the AMK trek, especially for those who enjoy cooler temperatures.
  • Daytime temperatures are mild, ranging from comfortable to cool, providing pleasant trekking conditions.
  • Clear skies and crisp air enhance visibility, allowing trekkers to enjoy panoramic views.

3. Pre-Monsoon (March to May):

  • Early spring to pre-monsoon is also a viable time for the AMK trek.
  • The temperatures start to rise, creating a more moderate climate.
  • The landscape may not be as lush as in the post-monsoon season, but the trek still offers an enjoyable experience.

Important Tips:

  • Monsoon months (June to August) are generally not recommended for the AMK trek due to heavy rainfall, slippery trails, and challenging trekking conditions.
  • Check weather forecasts before planning your trek to ensure optimal conditions.
  • Be prepared for cooler temperatures, especially during the night, by carrying appropriate clothing and gear.

Ultimately, the best time for the AMK trek depends on personal preferences and comfort levels with different weather conditions. Whether you choose the post-monsoon splendor, the winter charm, or the spring awakening, the AMK trek promises a thrilling adventure amid the scenic wonders of the Sahyadris.

Alang Madan Kulang Trek Height

  1. Alang Fort:
    • Standing tall at approximately 4852 feet (1478 meters) above sea level, Alang Fort offers a formidable climb. The fort’s historic significance adds cultural depth to the trek, making the ascent worthwhile.
  2. Madan Fort:
    • Madan Fort rises to an elevation of around 4841 feet (1475 meters). The trek to Madan involves traversing thrilling ridges and narrow trails, making it a favorite among adventure enthusiasts.
  3. Kulang Fort:
    • Kulang Fort is the highest of the trio, towering at about 4822 feet (1470 meters) above sea level. The ascent to Kulang is challenging but rewards trekkers with panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.

Tips for the AMK Trek:

  1. Physical Fitness:
    • Due to the challenging terrain, a good level of physical fitness is recommended for trekkers attempting the AMK trek.
  2. Proper Gear:
    • Invest in sturdy trekking shoes, comfortable clothing, and essential gear to ensure a safe and enjoyable trek.
  3. Guided Treks:
    • Considering the complexity of the trail, opting for guided treks with experienced professionals can enhance the overall trekking experience.

Preserving the Wilderness: Responsible Trekking

As the popularity of the AMK Trek grows, so does the need for responsible trekking practices. Local trekking communities, environmentalists, and authorities emphasize the importance of preserving the pristine beauty of the Sahyadris. Responsible trekking includes:

  1. Leave No Trace: Trekkers are encouraged to follow the ‘Leave No Trace’ principles, ensuring that they carry back all their waste and do not disturb the natural ecosystems.
  2. Respecting Wildlife: The Sahyadris are home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Trekkers are urged to observe wildlife from a distance, avoiding any interference with the natural habitat.
  3. Staying on Designated Trails: To prevent soil erosion and protect the delicate ecosystems, trekkers are advised to stick to designated trails and avoid creating new paths.
  4. Camping Ethics: Camping on the forts is a unique experience, but campers must adhere to ethical camping practices, respecting the historical structures and leaving no impact on the environment.


The AMK Trek is not just a physical journey; it’s an odyssey through time, nature, and personal limits. The Sahyadris Trilogy—Alang, Madan, and Kulang—offers trekkers an immersive experience that combines adventure, history, and the unspoiled beauty of the Western Ghats.

As you ascend the rocky paths, traverse the ancient forts, and stand at the summit with the wind whispering through the ruins, you become part of a legacy that spans centuries. The AMK Trek is a tribute to the Sahyadris, a landscape that has witnessed the passage of time and the footsteps of those who sought adventure and solace in its folds.

For those willing to accept the challenge, the AMK Trek is an invitation to explore the raw, untamed beauty of the Sahyadris, to connect with history in its most rugged form, and to emerge from the journey with a newfound respect for the majesty of nature and the indomitable spirit of adventure.

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