Kedarkantha Trek

5 Days
  • 4.8/5.0 (1854 Reviews)
  • 3800 Meter (12500 feet)
  • 20 Km
  • 5 Days


- Kedarkantha trek is in Sankri that is located at a distance of 186 km from Dehradun.
- So the journey of the Kedarkantha trek begins from Sankri and you can reach the place by taking both the railways and roadways to Dehradun.
- You can also come using air transportation and then take a local transport journey by bus or can hire a car or taxi to reach the base camp location.

- You will be provided with spikes and gaiters by your instructor to wear for your safety in the trek.
- You will have to cover a distance of 5 km in total on the second day of the trek starting from the Sankri to Juda Ka Taal.
- You will start with some warm-up by walking for 10 minutes. You will get to see Swargarohini in the way and will reach Juda ka Taal by the afternoon and will stay there overnight

- On the 3rd day, you will begin to form the Juda ka Taal and by the late evening, you will reach the Kedarkantha base camp where you will experience the serenity of nature’s beauty and will rest there overnight after having dinner.
- The altitude of this place is around 11,200 ft. and the total trekking distance that you will cover on the 3rd day would be 3 to 4 km.

This is a long day as you have to cover 6 km of distance. You will enjoy the nearby locations for sometimes and then have your lunch.
- After lunch, you will leave you will get back from the summit. You will get to see Black Peak, Gangotri, Bandarpoonch and many more places in between and then you will take a route to Hargaon the same day

- On the last day of trekking, you will return to Sankari and then to Dehradun.
- The total distance to cover on the last day is also approximately 6 km so the day is long and lazy as well. While returning you will get to see some of the nearby villages and pause in between meals.
- When you return to Sankri, you task some rest and then again start for Dehradun the same day.


  • Camping and Trekking Equipment ( Tent, sleeping bags, gaiters, Microspikes etc).
  • Accommodation on Tripple sharing basis.
  • All Meals (veg), Including From Dinner on the 1st day to Breakfast on the 5th Day.
  • Well Qualified Trek Leader.
  • Supporting Staff and cook.
  • Forest Permits.
  • Medical Kit With Oxygen
  • Accommodation on Tent Stay & Homestay.


  • Personal expenses like tips, personal medicines, phone calls etc.
  • Any transport support during the trek apart from what is included above

Kedarkantha trek

Do you want to experience the thrill of summiting a mountain in the winter? The Kedarkantha trek is the perfect choice for you.

Located in Uttarakhand’s Western Garhwal region, the Kedarkantha trek is a great choice for novice trekkers looking to experience the beauty of India’s snow-capped Himalayas.

The Kedarkantha Trek is the perfect way to start your trekking journey.

It’s a short and sweet trek that can be completed in less than a week, making it a great choice for those with limited time.

Plus, the stunning views of the snow-capped Himalayas make this trek worth every step.

What to Expect on the Kedarkantha Trek

Embarking on the Kedarkantha trek is a journey that promises a tapestry of experiences, from picturesque villages to snow-capped peaks. Here’s a glimpse of what awaits:

  1. Starting Point – Dehradun:

    • The trek begins in Dehradun, setting the stage for an adventure that unfolds in the heart of the Himalayas.
  2. Traversing Tons Valley:

    • The route takes you through the scenic villages of Tons Valley, where every step immerses you in the natural beauty of the Himalayan landscape.
  3. Lush Green Forests and Meadows:

    • En route to the base camp, nature’s canvas unfolds with lush green forests and meadows, creating a serene backdrop for your trek.
  4. Breathtaking Views at Base Camp:

    • Upon reaching the base camp, be prepared to be greeted by awe-inspiring views of snow-capped peaks, a visual feast that marks the beginning of your mountainous journey.
  5. Frozen Lakes and Glaciers:

    • The trek introduces you to the ethereal beauty of frozen lakes and glaciers, a testament to the raw, untouched magnificence of the Himalayan region.
  6. Ascending to the Summit:

    • The following days of the trek lead you up the mountainside, presenting diverse terrains that include rocky trails, snow-covered paths, and picturesque grassy meadows.
  7. Wildlife Encounters:

    • Keep an eye out for the Himalayan Thar, the Himalayan Monal, and the Himalayan Snowcock, as the trek offers glimpses of the region’s unique and diverse wildlife.

The Kedarkantha trek is more than a physical journey; it’s an immersive experience into the soul-stirring beauty of the Himalayas. From the vibrant villages to the serene meadows and the majestic peaks, every moment on this trek is a step closer to nature’s grandeur.

The Summit and Decent

The summit of Kedarkantha is one of the most rewarding parts of the trek. From here, you’ll get to enjoy the panoramic views of the snow-capped Himalayas and the surrounding valley.

After spending some time at the summit, you’ll make your way back down the mountain and back to the base camp.

On your descent, you’ll get to experience the same sights and sounds that you encountered on your way up.

You’ll get to enjoy the lush forests, meadows, and even the frozen lakes.

Best Time To Visit Kedarkantha Trek

The Kedarkantha trek offers different flavors of beauty throughout the year, but selecting the right season enhances the overall experience. Here’s a breakdown of the optimal times to undertake this captivating journey:

  1. Winter Wonderland (December to February):
    • Snow-Covered Splendor: Winter transforms the trek into a magical snow-laden landscape.
    • Chilly Adventures: Embrace the cold as you navigate the snow-covered trails and experience the thrill of trekking in winter.
  2. Spring Awakening (March to April):
    • Blooming Meadows: Spring brings life to the meadows with vibrant wildflowers and lush greenery.
    • Mild Weather: Enjoy pleasant temperatures as nature comes alive with the onset of spring.
  3. Summer Serenity (May to June):
    • Clear Skies and Views: Summer provides clear skies, offering unobstructed views of the surrounding peaks.
    • Moderate Temperatures: Experience comfortable trekking conditions with milder temperatures.
  4. Autumn Allure (September to November):
    • Post-Monsoon Magic: After the monsoon, the landscapes are refreshed, and the skies are generally clear.
    • Crisp Mountain Air: Enjoy the crisp mountain air as you trek through a rejuvenated Himalayan terrain.

Choosing the best time for the Kedarkantha trek depends on your preferences and the kind of experience you seek.

Whether it’s the enchanting snowscape of winter, the blossoming meadows of spring, the clear vistas of summer, or the post-monsoon allure of autumn, each season unveils a unique facet of this Himalayan trekking gem.

KedarKantha Trek Distance

The Kedarkantha trek covers a total distance of approximately 20 kilometers (round trip), offering a perfect blend of challenges and rewards. The trail takes you through enchanting pine forests, quaint villages, and opens up to vast snow-covered meadows as you ascend towards the summit.

Each step unveils a new facet of the Himalayas, making the journey memorable for both beginners and seasoned trekkers.

Weather Conditions At KedarKantha Trek

  1. Winter Wonderland (December to March)

    • Winter is the prime trekking season for Kedarkantha, transforming the region into a snow-laden paradise.
    • Daytime temperatures range from -2°C to 10°C, providing a crisp and invigorating atmosphere.
    • Night temperatures can plummet to as low as -8°C, making it essential to pack adequate winter gear.
  2. Pre-Spring (April to June)

    • As spring unfolds, the snow starts to recede, revealing vibrant alpine meadows.
    • Day temperatures range from 5°C to 20°C, creating comfortable trekking conditions.
    • Night temperatures remain cool, ranging from -5°C to 5°C.
  3. Monsoon Caution (July to September)

    • Monsoon months are not recommended for the Kedarkantha trek due to heavy rainfall and potential landslides.
    • The trails can become slippery and challenging, impacting the overall trekking experience.
  4. Autumn Beauty (October to November)

    • Post-monsoon, autumn sets in, offering clear skies and panoramic views.
    • Day temperatures range from 0°C to 15°C, creating pleasant trekking conditions.
    • Night temperatures hover between -5°C and 5°C.

Height of Kedarkantha Summit

The summit of Kedarkantha stands at an elevation of approximately 3,800 meters (12,500 feet) above sea level. Reaching this height is not just a physical accomplishment; it rewards trekkers with sweeping views of the snow-capped Himalayan peaks, including the Bandarpoonch, Swargarohini, and Black Peak.

Accommodation and Food on the Kedarkantha Trek

The Kedarkantha trek is a comfortable trek, with basic accommodation and food provided throughout the trek.

The accommodation is usually in homestays or tents, depending on the availability. The food is typically vegetarian, but you can ask the homestay owners if they can provide you with non-vegetarian meals. They’re usually willing to oblige.

Safety Measures on the Kedarkantha Trek

  1. Physical Fitness: Ensure you are physically fit for the trek. Engage in cardiovascular exercises and strength training to build endurance. Consult a healthcare professional before embarking on the trek, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions.
  2. Acclimatization: Spend a day or two acclimatizing to the altitude before the trek. This helps your body adjust to the reduced oxygen levels at higher altitudes, reducing the risk of altitude sickness.
  3. Weather Check: Check the weather conditions before starting the trek. Dress in layers to adapt to temperature variations, and carry appropriate gear for protection against cold, wind, and snow.
  4. Packing Essentials: Pack essentials such as a sturdy pair of trekking boots, insulated clothing, waterproof jacket and pants, gloves, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a first aid kit. Ensure your backpack is well-organized, and carry only necessary items.
  5. Hydration and Nutrition: Stay hydrated by carrying an adequate supply of water. Consume high-energy snacks and meals to maintain your energy levels. Avoid excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol, as they can contribute to dehydration.
  6. Follow the Designated Trail: Stick to the marked trail to avoid getting lost. Deviating from the path can lead to challenging terrains and increase the risk of accidents. Follow the trekking itinerary provided by your guide.
  7. Guided Trek: Opt for a guided trek with experienced local guides. They are familiar with the terrain, weather conditions, and can provide assistance in case of emergencies.
  8. Altitude Awareness: Be vigilant for symptoms of altitude sickness, including headaches, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. If you experience severe symptoms, descend to lower altitudes and seek medical attention if needed.
  9. Emergency Contacts: Carry emergency contact information, including local authorities and medical facilities. Ensure that your trekking group is aware of the emergency procedures.
  10. Trekking in Groups: Trek in groups for increased safety. In case of emergencies, having companions can provide support and assistance.
  11. Campsite Safety: Follow proper camping etiquette, including waste disposal. Set up your camp in designated areas and adhere to safety protocols to prevent accidents, especially in snowy conditions.
  12. Communication Devices: Carry communication devices such as a fully charged mobile phone or a satellite phone. Ensure you have network coverage or a reliable means of communication in case of emergencies.
  13. Respect Wildlife: Respect the local flora and fauna. Avoid disturbing wildlife and maintain a safe distance from animals.
  14. Insurance: Purchase comprehensive travel insurance that covers trekking activities. This ensures financial assistance in case of medical emergencies or evacuation.

By prioritizing safety measures, trekkers can fully enjoy the stunning landscapes and unique experiences that the Kedarkantha Trek has to offer while minimizing potential risks. Always be prepared and informed before embarking on such adventures.


The Kedarkantha trek is a great choice for those looking to experience the beauty of the snow-capped Himalayas in the winter.

It’s a short and sweet trek that can be completed in less than a week, and it offers breathtaking views of the mountains and the surrounding valley.

Plus, the accommodation and food provided throughout the trek are comfortable and convenient. So, what are you waiting for? Plan your Kedarkantha trek today!

Things To Carry For KedarKantha

  • Backpack 65/90 L
  • Water Bottle
  • Energy Bars
  • Weather Appropriate Clothing
  • Warm Jacket
  • Flee Jacket
  • Sun protection
  • Rain Protection
  • Flashlight And Extra Batteries
  • Extra Pair of Clothing
  • Towel
  • Personal Hygiene Kit
  • Mini First Aid Kit
  • Personal Medication
  • Trash Bag
  • Moisture Cream
  • Tissues
  • Slippers
  • Gloves
  • Sunglass
  • Warm Hat
  • Insect repellent
  • An emergency whistle

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What is the best time to go for the Kedarkantha trek?

The best time to go for the Kedarkantha trek is from December to April when the weather is pleasant and the snow-covered landscapes make for a breathtaking experience.

How difficult is the Kedarkantha trek?

The Kedarkantha trek is considered to be of moderate difficulty. It involves trekking for around 6-7 hours per day, with some steep ascents and descents. However, with proper preparation and fitness training, it is achievable for most people.

What is the maximum altitude reached during the Kedarkantha trek?

The maximum altitude reached during the Kedarkantha trek is around 12,500 feet (3,800 meters) at the summit.

Is it necessary to hire a guide for the Kedarkantha trek?

While it is not mandatory to hire a guide, it is highly recommended, especially for first-time trekkers. A guide will ensure your safety, provide valuable information about the trail, and help you navigate any challenges along the way.

What kind of accommodation is available during the Kedarkantha trek?

Accommodation during the Kedarkantha trek is usually in tents or basic guesthouses/homestays at the campsites. These accommodations provide basic amenities like sleeping bags, mattresses, and blankets.

What should I pack for the Kedarkantha trek?

Some essential items to pack for the Kedarkantha trek include warm clothing, comfortable trekking shoes, a backpack, a sleeping bag, a water bottle, a headlamp, sunscreen, sunglasses, and a first aid kit.

Are there any age restrictions for the Kedarkantha trek?

While there are no strict age restrictions, participants should be reasonably fit and able to endure long hours of trekking. It is advisable to consult with a doctor before undertaking the trek, especially for individuals with pre-existing medical conditions.

Is it safe to do the Kedarkantha trek?

The Kedarkantha trek is generally considered safe, but it is important to follow the instructions and guidelines provided by the trek organizers or guides. It is also recommended to have travel insurance that covers trekking activities.

What are the highlights of the Kedarkantha trek?

The Kedarkantha trek offers stunning views of snow-capped peaks, dense forests, and picturesque meadows. The highlight is reaching the summit and witnessing panoramic views of the Himalayas, including the peaks of Swargarohini, Bandarpoonch, and Black Peak.

Starting From ₹5,999
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